Monday, August 12, 2013


Today, all I have is a quote I read recently.

Okay, so I have a little more than just this quote...just a few thoughts.

I often have a hard time with writing consistently. I know I should write, and I do want to, but I get lost in life and forget to document it. This quote reminds me of just one of the many reasons why it's important to write: to hold on, not just to our past or even our present, but all of it--to hold onto life.

Earlier this evening, I began talking with my husband about a part of my life that I'd virtually forgotten about. It's been so long since I've talked or even thought about that time that it seems surreal, almost as if it never happened. Of course, I know it did happen, but I wish that I had something tangible from that era to cling to--something like a journal. (Duh.) Anyway, I'm about to start point is, I suppose, that if nothing else, I write to remember.

Why do you write?

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